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报告题目:Coherent Control and

Attosecond Dynamics with Pulsed

XUV and IR Radiation

报 告 人: Klaus Bartschat

美国 Drake University Ellis & Nelle Levitt 杰出教授





Klaus Bartschat is the Ellis & Nelle Levitt Distinguished Professor of Physics at Drake University.  He received the Diploma (Masters) in Experimental Physics in 1981, the Dr. rer. nat. (Ph.D.) in Theoretical Physics in 1984, and the Habilitation for Physics in 1989 from the University of Münster (Germany).  Since joining the faculty of Drake University in 1988, he has been a Visiting Fellow at the Joint Institute for Laboratory Astrophysics at the University of Colorado in Boulder and the Institute for Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics at the Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. He held a Mercator Professorship at the University of Münster and Adjunct Professorships at several universities in Australia.  Bartschat was elected to Fellowship in the American Physical Society in 1998.  He has published three books, over 50 book chapters, 15 invited reviews, and about400 papers in peer-reviewed journals.   In 2016, he was awarded the Will Allis Prize of the American Physical Society for “fundamental theoretical and computational contributions to the understanding of charged-particle and photon collisions with atoms and molecules and for providing critical data and insight to the plasma modeling community”.