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报告题目:Quantum gas microscopy of a geometrically frustrated Hubbard system

报告人:杨晋   博士后   麻省理工学院    MIT RLE

报告时间:10月24日(周二) 上午8:00
报告地点:线上会议  腾讯会议号:402-523-654 密码:1024


Quantum gas microscopes take quantum simulation with neutral atoms in optical lattices into a new era. The site-resolved-imaging enables direct measurements of correlation functions, topological and exotic quantum phases, many-body entanglements, and dynamic processes like spin and charge transport. We extended this system from square optical lattices to triangular optical lattices, where geometric frustration plays a significant role. Many intriguing properties are expected to exist in triangular lattices, like spin liquids, kinetic frustration, and novel spin-hole binding mechanisms. And these properties are believed to be related to novel high temperature superconductivity. Here I present our work on site-resolved measurements of spin-correlation-functions in triangular lattices at the University of Virginia. We found that geometric frustration leads to reduced but non-vanishing spin-correlations in triangular lattices. The measurement of spin-correlations is relevant to the search for spin liquid states in the triangular Hubbard model. Our work and results will be stimuli for more interest and research on triangular lattices in the future.

杨晋,2012年8月至2019年8月于美国俄克拉荷马大学在James Shaffer教授的指导下从事超冷环境中的超长程里德堡分子研究,并获得博士学位,工作期间首次制备并观测了三叶虫态里德堡分子,其永久电偶极矩高达2000 Debye。相关工作发表在 Science, PRL期刊。2019年9月至2022年6月于弗吉尼亚大学从事超冷原子量子模拟的研究。与Peter Schauss教授搭建了世界第一台三角形二维光学晶格单原子单晶格光学成像系统,相关工作发表在PRX-Quantum,Physical Review 系列期刊,后首次制备并观测了三角形光学晶格中费米子的Mott绝缘态。现于麻省理工学院超冷原子中心在诺贝尔奖获得者,美国科学院院士Wolfgang Ketterle教授指导下对超冷dysprosium长程磁偶极作用进行研究。