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报告题目:Catching atoms in action by X-ray free electron lasers

报告人:Kiyoshi Ueda Department of Chemistry, Tohoku University



This first lecture first illustrates status of representative science cases with x-ray free-electron lasers such as coherent x-ray imaging (CXI) of macromolecules and femtosecond x-ray crystallography (FSX) of protein molecules. Then two typical case studies are described. The first example is a single-shot diffraction study inside a single nanocrystal. The advent of hard x-ray FELs, such as SACLA in Japan, opened a route to extract a structure inside a single nanocrystal [1] and its change upon the intense laser irradiation that transforms the nanocrystal into a nanoplasma [2]. The second example is on imaging the structural change of isolated molecules. The first high repetition rate soft X-ray FEL, SAXE 3 of European XFEL, combined with REMI/COLTRIMS, made a long-standing dream to watch atoms in action in a molecule, initiated by photoexcitation of a molecule, a tangible reality [3,4].

I acknowledge all the collaborators in the authors list of [1-4] for fruitful collaborations.

[1] A. Niozu et al. IUCrJ 7, 276 (2020); A. Niozu et al. PNAS 118, e2111747118 (2021).

[2] T. Nishiyama et al. PRL 123, 123201 (2019); A. Niozu et al. PRX 11, 031046 (2021).

[3] G. Kastirke et al. PRX 10, 021052 (2020); PCCP. 24, 27121 (2022).

[4] F. Ota et al. JPB 54, 084001 (2021); 54, 084001 (2021); 54, 244002 (2022); Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 23, 20174 (2021).


Kiyoshi Ueda日本东北大学教授,激光与原子分子相互作用研究领域资深专家,研究主要聚焦于原子分子及纳米颗粒等小量子体系的电子态及结构动力学,以及光电离、电子激发态及其超快驰豫等瞬态过程的调控。他在包括 Nature 、Nature Photonics 、Nature Physics 和Phys. Rev. Lett.等学术期刊上发表文章超过500篇,引用超过15000次,h-因子为57,撰写有20多篇综述,国际会议上做大会报告超过60次。现担任Phys. Rev. X的编委,曾担任美国物理学会(American Physical Society)的国际顾问委员(2014-2017), 以及J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 的编委 (2003-2014);先后担任超过15个国际系列会议的主席及国际组委会成员。