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报告题目:Stark and Zeeman deceleration methods for production of cold molecules

报告人: T.Damjanović


报告地点:腾讯会议: https://meeting.tencent.com/dm/J7tOLKbBl6q2 会议ID:162 889 099



Dr. Tomislav Dmajnović graduated in 2013 with the M.S. in physics from the University of Zagreb. For his master thesis he did research in the area of theoretical/computational photonics under supervision of Prof. Hrvoje Buljan, Thesis title:”Pseudo-magnetic fields for photons”. In 2014. He joined the group of Prof. Johannes Hecker Denschlag at the Ulm University, Germany, where he worked on Doppler-free spectroscopy of Rubidium.0 In 2015 he joined the group of Prof. Stefan Willitsch at the University of Basel for a PhD to work on implementation of a novel travelling-wave Zeeman decelerator. He graduated from PhD in 2020 with a thesis title: “A novel travelling-wave Zeeman decelerator for production of cold radicals”. Currently, he is a postdoctoral researcher in the group of Prof. Stefan Willitsch where he continues to work on the travelling-wave Zeeman decelerator.


Recent advances in producing samples of molecules at very low temperatures have been motivated by the prospects of studying collisions and chemical reactions with controllable collision energies, performing high resolution spectroscopy and precision measurements for fundamental physics, quantum information processing and quantum simulation. Methods based on the deceleration of supersonic molecular beams are particularly well suited for collision experiments since the final longitudinal velocity of the sample can be tuned over a wide range with narrow velocity spreads. Particularly well-suited experimental methods are Stark and Zeeman deceleration methods. These methods rely on the state-dependent interaction of neutral atoms or molecules with a time-dependent inhomogeneous electric and magnetic fields. For this reason, Stark deceleration methods are effective in producing samples of polar and Rydberg molecules with low kinetic energies, while the Zeeman deceleration is especially effective in open-shell systems such as molecular radicals or metastable atoms and molecules. In this lecture I will give a brief introduction to Stark and Zeeman deceleration and present recent results from our lab.