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报告题目:Catching and steering electrons in action by light

报告人:Kiyoshi Ueda Department of Chemistry, Tohoku University



The natural time scale of atoms in action described in the first lecture is of the order of femtoseconds (1 fs = 10-15 s). Ahmed Zewail opened the route to study chemistry that occurs in the femtosecond regime and received a Nobel prize in 1999. The natural time scale of electrons in action is of the order of attoseconds (1 as =10-18 s). Recent developments of generating attosecond pulses both in the laboratories and free electron laser facilities make an intangible dream of watching electrons in action a tangible reality the Nobel prize of physics this year was awarded to this field of attosecond science. Generations of two-colour attosecond pulses at LCLS in the USA opened the door to watch the electron (charge) in action in a molecule that occurs in the attosecond timescale [1]. Generating phase-coherent multi-colour pulses at FERMI, on the hand, provided a novel approach to coherently control the electronic wave-packet [2] and to read out the photoionization phase, or attosecond photoionization time delay [3]. The talk will also address the titled study with laboratory attosecond pulse train light sources, complementary to FELs, combined with REMI/COLTRIMS [4,5]. I acknowledge all the collaborators in the authors list of [1-5] for fruitful collaborations.

[1] T. Barillot et al. PRX 11, 031048 (2021); more in preparations.

[2] K. Prince et al. Nat. Photon, 10, 176 (2016); D. Iablonskyi et al. PRL119, 073203 (2017); D. You et al. New J. Phys. 21, 113036 (2019).

[3] M. Di Fraia et al. PRL 123, 213904 (2019); D. You et al. PRX 10, 031070 (2020).

[4] X. Gong et al. PRX 12, 011002 (2022); W. Jiang et al. Nat. Comm. 13, 5072 (2022).

[5] S. Heck et al. PRL 129, 133002 (2022); M. Han et al. Nat. Phys. 19, 230 (2023).


Kiyoshi Ueda日本东北大学教授,激光与原子分子相互作用研究领域资深专家,研究主要聚焦于原子分子及纳米颗粒等小量子体系的电子态及结构动力学,以及光电离、电子激发态及其超快驰豫等瞬态过程的调控。他在包括 Nature 、Nature Photonics 、Nature Physics 和Phys. Rev. Lett.等学术期刊上发表文章超过500篇,引用超过15000次,h-因子为57,撰写有20多篇综述,国际会议上做大会报告超过60次。现担任Phys. Rev. X的编委,曾担任美国物理学会(American Physical Society)的国际顾问委员(2014-2017), 以及J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 的编委 (2003-2014);先后担任超过15个国际系列会议的主席及国际组委会成员。